Christmas star on the balcony summer

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The poinsettia may only be released outside at temperatures above 5 ° C

Christmas star on the balcony summer

Lifespan is limited for most poinsettias because they are disposed of immediately after the colored bracts have dropped off. If you want to pull a poinsettia perennial, treat it to a summer holiday on the balcony.

When is the poinsettia allowed on the balcony?

Poinsettias do not tolerate frost at all. Before you bring it to the balcony or the terrace, the outside temperature must be at least five degrees. Keep in mind that even Main-nights can sometimes be very cold.

The poinsettia may stay on the balcony until the autumn days become too cool again. Get him in the house in time.

Slowly accustom the plant to the new environment and changing temperatures before moving. Cut off any remaining bracts.

The right location on the balcony or terrace

The poinsettia likes a warm, sunny place in summer. Drafts he can stand in the house or outdoors.

If possible, place it in a place where it is not exposed to excessive rain, as it tolerates too much moisture only badly.

So you maintain the poinsettia outside

Do not water the poinsettia outside until the soil is dry at the top. Do not use too cold water. If possible, pour rainwater.

Do not place the pot on a coaster. Then excess irrigation water or rainwater can flow away unhindered. In this way, waterlogging can be prevented.

Fertilize the poinsettia every three to four weeks with a liquid fertilizer that has a high potash content.

Darken from November

In order to bring a poinsettia to life again, it needs a period when it is light for less than twelve hours a day.

By November at the latest you should make the plant darker and cover it with a bag if necessary. At least now you bring the poinsettia back into the house.


If the poinsettia gets yellow leaves, it is most likely too moist. Let the potting soil dry out before you pour it again. Put it in a dry place on the balcony or terrace for some time.