Which plants are suitable for hydrangeas?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Hydrangeas - everything you need to know about growing hydrangeas in your garden
Video: Hydrangeas - everything you need to know about growing hydrangeas in your garden


Hydrangeas are quite compatible with many other perennials

Which plants are suitable for hydrangeas?

Hydrangeas are one of the most popular flowering plants in our native gardens because of their unique floral florals. But they are not only attractive specimen plants that beautify shady locations. Combined with the right companion plants, the hydrangea forms visually exceptionally attractive plant communities.

Plant suggestions for a hydrangea bed in partial shade

With its magnificent white, blue, red, pink or purple flower balls and large foliage, the hydrangea stands in interesting contrast to leafy shrubs such as bamboo and ornamental grasses. The different shades of green on the leaves bring out the richness of the hydrangea. Even with perennials such as popsails or anemones, the hydrangea is well tolerated.

The shadow bed

Hydrangeas thrive excellently even in shady locations and thereby beautify garden corners, which often seem a bit bare. For example, combine the hydrangea with funkies whose differently colored leaves create a beautiful contrast. Also suitable as a companion plant ferns, astilbe, lady's mantle, golden peach oak or purple bells.

A flowering hedge

Hydrangeas fit well into natural gardens and enrich the often planted flower hedges with their beautiful umbels, which are often visited by insects. For example, combine the hydrangea with:

These shrubs bloom at different times, so that always some woods wear cheerful splashes of color.

Plant large hydrangeas

Like many shrubs, hydrangea bushes can be planted with various accompanying plants. It looks wonderful when you combine the hydrangea with shadow-loving lilies of the valley or rock roses.

The big hydrangea flowers suck in the rain like a sponge with water and the branches can break under this load. The barberry (sourthorn, vinegar berry) supports with its branches the hydrangea and is therefore ideal for planting.


The different hydrangea varieties can also be combined excellently. Shady places under deciduous trees can beautify you through several plants in different colors. These are the colorful flower balls to a colorful eye candy.