Should one cut the bergenie and if so, why?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5-Многоуровневая цикличная панорама
Video: 5-Многоуровневая цикличная панорама


Scarlet and withered leaves of the berries can be removed

Should one cut the bergenie and if so, why?

The Bergenie hardly expects any care from her owner. But one or the other should not be forgotten as part of the health of this plant. This includes cutting.

Previous article Care of the Bergenie: Do not miss her! Next article If the Bergenie does not bloom: reasons and prevention

Cut off withered inflorescences

Although a cut of the berries is not absolutely necessary to keep the plant alive. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to provide this blooming plant with a cut after its flowering period. The flower stems, which carried the fantastic Trugdolden high up, should be cut down. Cut it to the ground.

Some varieties bloom twice a year. They show their inflorescences a second time in November and until December. They should also be removed after they have withered. Those who do not cut off the inflorescences do not prevent the fruits from forming with the seeds. This costs a lot of power to a Bergenie.

The Bergenie has become too big

Furthermore, a cut may be useful to stop the growth of the Bergenie. This plant grows higher and higher with time. At some point it looks like a big shrub. If you do not like it, cut down the plant. You can take a carefree radical approach.

Note the following aspects:

Old leaves are removed

Not to forget that old and withered leaves of the Bergenie should be removed. You can just cut them off at the bottom. Such unsightly leaves occur especially during and after the winter season.

A cut can also be made in the root area

On top of that you need cutting tools if you want to multiply the berries by rhizome cuts. In the spring is the best time. Plant the cuttings directly in the bed or put them in a pot. Do not be surprised if these rhizome pieces do not bloom in the first year.


You do not need an expensive cutting tool to cut the Bergenie. A pair of scissors or a knife is enough.