So the Lantana is planted

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Rs.40,000 crore Lantana problem of India | Lantana Camara
Video: The Rs.40,000 crore Lantana problem of India | Lantana Camara


The sunnier the location for the lavender the better

So the Lantana is planted

Lantana is one of the most robust balcony plants. The correct planting and the perfect location contribute significantly to the plant health as with all plants. What you have to consider, we have summarized here in a compact form for you.

When do I have to repackage?

Unlike other plants, the lantana is not repotted at a particular season. A new plant container is always necessary when the roots of the small shrub grow out of the drainage hole of the flowerpot. Keep the pot size generally small and then give the lantana a jar that is one, possibly two sizes larger. If the pot is too large, the lantana will initially produce many roots and foliage. The desired abundance of flowers decreases.

The preferred substrate

Lantana flourishes best in loose, nutritious soil for flowering plants. Alternatively, you can use topsoil to which you add some compost and sand.

The perfect location

Lantana needs a bright, sunny spot. At least three hours a day it should be illuminated by the sun to train many flowers.


Already in June, the flowers begin to open. If the plant is regularly cleaned and everything faded away, the Lantana forms new flowers until October.

Prefer and multiply

The Lantana can be propagated in the spring by Kopfstecklinge:

Already after two to three weeks, the cuttings have formed roots. It is important now to unwind the shoots to encourage the lantana to bushy growth. You can also use the offspring as Hochstämmchen.


Lantana is poisonous and can cause skin irritation when touched. Therefore wear gloves for all care measures.