Fertilize blueberries in the garden

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How and when to fertilize blueberry bushes.
Video: How and when to fertilize blueberry bushes.


Fertilize blueberries in the garden

While wild forest blueberries bear fruit on extremely poor soil in summer, they need a little more energy for their growth. Only with regular fertilization can they bring high yields.

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The right time to fertilize the blueberries

Fertilization of cultivated blueberries in the garden requires fertilization for two different purposes, the growth of shrubs and sufficient energy supply for abundant fruit on the branches. A first fertilization a year should therefore be done in April, to allow the blueberries in the garden or in the pot optimal growth of re-emergence. The second fertilizer should be given to the plants at the end of May at the earliest, when fruits are already showing on the branches. After a fertilizer application, it is always important to thoroughly flush with enough irrigation water so that the delicate and ground-level roots of the blueberries are not damaged by excessive fertilizer concentrations.

Beware of calcareous fertilizers

The selection of the blueberry fertilizer should definitely take into account the soil needs of the plants. Thus, the acidic environment of the soil at the site with its pH value between 4.0 and 5.0 must not be too much influenced by the fertilizer administered. In specialist shops, in addition to special preparations for blueberries, low-calorie fertilizers for rhododendrons and azaleas are also available. However, if used just before or during the harvest season, you must clarify whether or not any harmful substances are contained in these fertilizers.

Natural materials for the fertilization of blueberries

Muck and ordinary compost are usually not suitable for fertilizing blueberries, as they contain too much calcium.If you do not want to fertilize your blueberries with artificial nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate and ammonium saltpeter, you can also resort to more acidic natural fertilizers. These include in particular the following materials:

Since these natural materials decompose only relatively slowly, they can be applied to the soil around the blueberry plants almost all year round and carefully incorporated.

Tips & Tricks

When fertilizing with highly concentrated fertilizers, it is always better to divide the fertilizer into small weekly portions, as this can prevent over-fertilization and damage to the plants.