Violet seeds - characteristics and seeding

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Genshin Impact | How to Garden | How to Get Seeds | Serenitea Pot | Update 2.0
Video: Genshin Impact | How to Garden | How to Get Seeds | Serenitea Pot | Update 2.0


Violets sow themselves

Violet seeds - characteristics and seeding

Violets ... Whether the violet-blue violet violets, the lavender-colored wood violets, the colorful horned violets or other species - these plants are simply enchanting! Since they are extremely easy to care for, it is worthwhile to plant them themselves or seed them out over their seeds.

Characteristics of violet seeds

The seeds of violets can be bought in the shop or even harvest yourself. Either way, the seeds feature different types of violets:

The seeds are in the capsule fruits. These have three flaps that open at maturity and reveal the seeds. Depending on the species and flowering period, they reach maturity between March and June.

How are the seeds sown?

The seeds can be sown directly in the field or in a safe home, for example, in a seed bowl. The results are considered to be more resilient and vigorous compared to the results of other propagation methods. The best time for sowing is between August and March.

To grow in a seedbed, you should first fill the vessel with a nutrient-poor substrate. Purchased seeds do not need to be stratified before sowing. Seeds from their own harvest should have been exposed to a temperature below 5 ° C for at least 2 weeks.

The seeds are distributed on the ground, pressed down or covered with very thin earth. They will be kept moist for the following weeks. The germination time is 14 to 18 days with an ideal germination temperature of 18 ° C. Later, the plants can be piqued and put to their final location.

Violets are prone to self-seeding

Those who are too lazy to sow the seeds do not necessarily have to do without further copies of violets. The seeds of Viola are often distributed by ants. They also like to sow themselves without ants. The ants find the fruiting bodies, carry them around and often have an appetite for them on the way. They leave the seeds.

Tips & Tricks

Do not be surprised: Many violets flower very late after sowing in the first year or not at all (only in the second year). Patience is needed here.