Do not plant flowerbed without plant plan

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting a Front Garden Bed for a Friend! 🌿 🌸 // Garden Answer
Video: Planting a Front Garden Bed for a Friend! 🌿 🌸 // Garden Answer


A flowerbed should be well planned

Do not plant flowerbed without plant plan

A planting plan helps a lot to make the flowerbed according to your own wishes. Instead of just taking the most beautiful perennials from the garden center, look to see if the plants fit together in their needs and their exterior and also meet your needs.

Criteria for perennial selection

So that the flowerbed can develop its full effect and looks attractive in every season, you should plan the planting in advance. If that is too cumbersome, you can also buy ready-made perennial packages from the most common providers. These are put together for beds of certain sizes and harmonize perfectly with each other. However, you have no personal choice.

Location and ground

In order for the plants to harmonize and grow healthily, they must be very similar in terms of their light, soil composition, temperature and care requirements - especially sun-hungry perennials do not feel comfortable in the shade, just as dryness-tolerant plants will survive too long in moist soil.

Growth forms, heights and colors

Once the pasen plants have been found for the targeted location, it is time to make a selection with regard to flower colors, growth forms and heights. Select one to three bouquets, which are framed by several, arranged in groups and low-alert stuffed shrubs and ornamental grasses, ground cover, etc. Depending on your taste, you create a colorful, multi-colored, a contrasting (with two on the color scale opposite colors or a uniform held in a color bed.

Size and shape of the flower bed

Regarding plant selection, the size and shape of the flower bed also plays a big role. Small and narrow beds should accommodate only a few species, large ones can be opulently planted.


Choose plant groups with different flowering times that you combine with each other. This keeps the flowerbed attractive throughout the year through ever new blossoms.