Grow vanilla yourself - tips for private vanilla cultivation

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Root a Vanilla Orchid Cutting
Video: How To Root a Vanilla Orchid Cutting


Vanilla needs tropical-humid site conditions

Grow vanilla yourself - tips for private vanilla cultivation

If you succeed in eliciting a lush flowering from a vanilla orchid and manually do the pollination, you will be rewarded with aromatic vanilla pods. The ambitious claims of a Vanilla planifolia on the site and the care are not so easy to meet. These tips would like to contribute to a successful private vanilla cultivation.

Next Article This care gives your vanilla orchid floral power

So you wrest a rich bloom from a vanilla orchid

The better it is possible to generate the tropical warm and humid conditions at the site, the sooner the vanilla orchid can be motivated to bloom. Cultivated as a normal houseplant, you will hardly grow vanilla yourself. It is better that you offer the plant a place in the year-round warm, light-flooded greenhouse with 25-28 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 70-80 percent. This care sets the course for a rich harvest:

Tie the tendrils regularly according to their growth rate. Each cut extends the waiting time for a first flower.

Instructions for manual pollination - How to replace bees and hummingbirds

Who wants to grow as a gardener vanilla itself, should be on the alert for flowering. Within a flower cluster, a bud opens daily in the morning. If she is not pollinated now, she dies until the evening and the hope for a vanilla pod is gone. How manual fertilization works:

After pollination, between 6 and 9 months will pass until the former flower turns into a long, green vanilla pod.


TV cooks always cut up vanilla pods to scratch out the seeds. In fact, the pods contain more flavor than the content they enclose. If your efforts are successful in your own vanilla cultivation, do not throw the capsule fruits away. Cut the peel into small pieces or, after drying, grind it in the oven to enjoy it as well as the marrow.