Can I multiply tulip trees myself?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Secret to Multiply Tulips
Video: Secret to Multiply Tulips


The tulip tree is best multiplied by self-collected seeds

Can I multiply tulip trees myself?

If you are looking for a quick success, then the multiplication of tulip trees is not recommended. It is very tedious and not always successful. In addition, many years pass until the first flower.

Propagation by seeds

You can rarely buy the seeds for the tulip tree. However, if you find ripe and strong seeds on your own tulip tree, then you can try sowing and rearing on the windowsill or in a warm greenhouse. The ideal time for this is September, keep the selected seeds until then.

Put the seeds in a container with potting so that they are thinly covered with soil. Moisten the seeds and soil lightly and draw a transparent foil over the jar. In order to keep the moisture constant and to pour the seedlings less.

For germination, the seeds need a uniform temperature between about 20 ° C and 26 ° C and sufficient light, but no direct sunlight. Use only soft, low-calcium water for casting.

The propagation with the help of cuttings

Cuttings cut best in the spring. They should be about 15 cm long, healthy and strong. For growing, they need the same conditions as seeds, ie moist substrate and temperatures between 20 ° C and 26 ° C. Rooting powder is not necessarily necessary, but quite helpful.

The care of young plants

The seedlings and young plants of the tulip tree are quite sensitive, as are the roots of the mature tree. With a size of about 10 cm, the seedlings may be gently pikiert. The first winter they should spend absolutely warm. Only when the first parts of the plant are woody can you transplant your small tulip tree into the garden.

The essentials in brief:


For beginners, the propagation of tulip trees is not suitable, it requires expertise and patience.