Mildew on the Kugelahorn - What to do?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mehltau auf Pflanzen und Bäumen effektiv bekämpfen
Video: Mehltau auf Pflanzen und Bäumen effektiv bekämpfen


Mildew does not stop in front of the maple

Mildew on the Kugelahorn - What to do?

At the beginning of the warm season, a disease in the garden, which does not stop at Kugelahorn. Mildew is clearly diagnosed by the floury-white fungus on the leaves. Conveniently, affected hobby gardeners will find a proven home remedy for fungal infestation in your fridge. This is to be done when mildew plagues a maple.

Milk crosses the blades with mildew - That's how it works

Fresh milk contains luscious microorganisms and lecithin. If these ingredients hit mildew, the dreaded fungal spores will lose out. Ecologically oriented home gardeners owe this knowledge to the researchers at the Australian University of Adelaide. How to use the home remedy:

To increase the effectiveness of the natural product, cut off all infected parts of the plant in advance and dispose of them in the household waste. Repeat the application every 2 to 3 days until symptoms no longer appear.