The best location - the key to successful tomato growing

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Grow Lots of Tomatoes... Not Leaves // Complete Growing Guide
Video: Grow Lots of Tomatoes... Not Leaves // Complete Growing Guide


The best location - the key to successful tomato growing

In the proper care of tomato plants the appropriate location assumes a key position. The different phases in the cultivation of tomatoes require probate site conditions. Find out here what they are and how they are positively influenced.

How light and heat bring the seeds to life

The proper sowing of the seeds lays the foundation for vital and healthy tomato plants. Of crucial importance here is the interplay of light and heat. Under these site conditions, the first step of the cultivation succeeds:

As light germinators, tomato seeds thus require a certain degree of brightness right from the start. Of course, they should not be advised under bright sunlight.

The right location for seedlings

The sowing results in the right location after 10 to 14 days in a successful germination. If the delicate seed leaves slide out of the seeds, a change of the site conditions is now on the plan. So that the young tomato plants do not get horny, the temperatures must decrease and the amount of light expand:

In this phase, the seedlings benefit from every ray of light they can get hold of. The brighter the light conditions at the location, the less the small tomato plants are the meaning of vergeilenden impulses. Resourceful hobby gardeners now put a large mirror behind the cultivation pots or hang up special plant lamps. In spite of the blazing midday sun, the sensitive seedlings must nevertheless be protected.

Hardening in a suitable position creates strong tomato plants

After the pikieren, the question of the best location turns again into the focus of the caring work. Since the time for the final move to the bed is approaching, a hardening is recommended as a perfect preparation. In this way, the climate shock is mitigated by the change from the sheltered window seat into the field:

The best location to harvest

In the middle of May you assign the tomato plants their final location. So it should be procured in the bed, in the greenhouse and on the balcony:

In the greenhouse, a shading option should be available so that a temperature rise to over 30 degrees Celsius can be prevented under the summer sun.

Tips & Tricks

Till the fruit approach, tomato plants are fertilized only very reservedly with nitrogen. Otherwise, they grow like crazy and do not even think about developing flowers.