Tomatoes do not fall victim to the frost

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Rainbow Six Siege: Halloween Event Gameplay 10/23 | Ubisoft [NA]
Video: Rainbow Six Siege: Halloween Event Gameplay 10/23 | Ubisoft [NA]


Tomatoes do not fall victim to the frost

Taken home in South America, tomatoes do not tolerate frosty temperatures. This circumstance significantly influences the cultivation in the bed, the greenhouse and on the balcony. To prevent frost damage to tomatoes.

Effective protection against frost from sowing to harvest

Tomatoes should never be under the influence of low temperatures. This premise applies without exception from the beginning. The sowing therefore takes place in the local regions basically behind glass. On the warm windowsill or in the heated greenhouse, the required 18 to 24 degrees Celsius can be achieved. After the pikieren it goes on like this:

The danger of frost for tomatoes is not yet over with the removal of the ice saints in mid-May. In some years between the 4th and 20th of June the sheep's cold will strike. Prudent hobby gardeners therefore stick to frost protection until mid-June.

Timely harvest before the first frost - Nachreife in the house

Knocking Frost on the garden door, often hang unripe tomatoes on the plants. This does not irritate experienced hobby gardeners, because green tomatoes ripen in the house within a few days. Individual fruits are wrapped in newspaper and stored at 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. Several tomatoes come in a cardboard box, ideally in the company of a ripe apple or a banana.

Tips & Tricks

An unheated greenhouse is naturally protected from frost by a 'mist heater'. Here, the warming effect of horse manure is used. The soil is dug two spades deep and filled with horse manure. Above that comes a layer of garden soil with compost. The mixture of manure and straw gives off pleasant warmth in the course of the rotting.