Water chrysanthemums abundantly

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Properties of Water
Video: Properties of Water


Chrysanthemums are very thirsty and often need to be watered

Water chrysanthemums abundantly

Chrysanthemums belong to the so-called heavy eaters and have a high water and nutrient requirement. The substrate should not dry out, but too wet feet do not like the autumn flowers either.

Pour at intervals

Plants are rarely dehydrated, usually rather because inexperienced gardeners literally poured them to death. This is even true for such thirsty specimens as the chrysanthemum, which should not dry out if possible. Therefore, make sure that the plant is in well-drained soil where excess irrigation water can drain well. In addition, over-watering by pouring at intervals can be well avoided. Give smaller quantities in succession rather than once a big barrage. Whether the plant still needs water, you can easily determine by a finger test.

Tips & Tricks

Chrysanthemums, especially when it comes to cultured specimens, often need additional watering even after a rainstorm. Due to the dense growth, the rainwater can not always reach the root area, which is why it remains dry.