Thuja hedge too wide - how can she save herself?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Video: WeekendWalkPlantNamesChapter2


The Thuja hedge is very good cut compatible

Thuja hedge too wide - how can she save herself?

If a thuja hedge has been in the garden for a very long time, it can sometimes become very wide and take up too much space - especially if it has not been cut for a long time. What can you do if the Thuja hedge has just become too wide?

What to do if the Thuja hedge is too wide?

Thuja hedges can be pulled at will. Whether you want a very narrow or slightly wider hedge is a matter of space and taste.

If the hive has just become too wide, you can cut it back. The tree of life is very good cut compatible. But there are a few things to keep in mind.

Thuja hedge how far back cut?

Every very strong pruning weakens the tree of life. For very wide hedges, it may therefore be advisable to extend the pruning to several years.

Cut the thuja back evenly on both sides to the desired width by shortening the side shoots. When doing so, you should immediately remove cross-looking shoots so that the air can circulate better.

Choose a cut shape where the thuja is narrower at the top than at the bottom. This not only prevents snow breakage, but also ensures that the tree of life gets more light and does not brown so quickly inside.

The best time to cut

Such a radical pruning should only be done in the spring before the breeding and setting time begins. You can cut until the end of February, if necessary also in autumn after September.

A cloudy day is favorable, so that the tree of life at the interfaces does not turn brown. Also, the hedge should be dry to prevent fungal infestation.

After cutting, water the hedge well and feed it with fertilizer.

Never cut behind the green!

When cutting back the thuja you must be careful that you never cut branches behind the green shoots. This leaves behind very unsightly bald spots, which are only properly overgrown after years.

In no case may you cut back a Thuja hedge to the old wood, since the tree of life there does not expel again.


If an old Thuja hedge has not been cut for a very long time, it sometimes makes sense to remove it completely and replant it. Too much pruning weakens the tree of life very much.