These diseases are troubling the beech hedge

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Bitch Please II
Video: Bitch Please II


A healthy, larger beech hedge copes well with diseases and pests

These diseases are troubling the beech hedge

Beech trees are so often planted as hedge because they are very robust and rarely get sick. Conditions for good health are a good location and regular care. However, diseases and pests can not be completely prevented.

Early article How to properly fertilize your beech hedge

Which diseases and pests can occur?

In general, it can be said that a healthy beech can cope well with diseases and pests as long as the infestation does not get out of hand.

In young, freshly planted beech hedges, however, an early control of diseases and pests is advisable. Otherwise, there is a danger that the young plants will die because they could not develop enough resistance.

Fungal diseases on beech hedges

Fungal diseases are most likely to be recognized by the leaves. When they curl up, discolour, dry up, and fall off prematurely, a fungus is often responsible. Powdery mildew is noticeable by whitish spots on the leaves.

Fungi often occur in very humid summers or when the site is wet.

Cut off infected parts of plants generously. The beech tolerates a generous cut to the old wood. Dispose of all cut waste, including the fallen leaves, in the dustbin - not in the compost!

Pests that occur on beech hedges

Beech lice can become a real danger, especially with hedges. An infestation shows up by rolling leaves, which fall later. Lice and other pests are recognized by the feeders, larvae or lice themselves.

Sometimes it helps to treat the beeches with stinging nettle. In severe infestation that is rarely enough. In this case, you have no choice but to use a fungicide from the garden shop.

Cut off all affected parts and throw them in the dustbin. It is important that you also carefully pick up and discard fallen leaves in the fall, as the pests will overwinter in them and fall over the beech hedge the next year.


"Prevention is better than cure" - This old sentence is also valid for beech hedges. Make sure that the natural enemies of the pests such as lacewings, ladybugs, parasitic wasps and hoverflies in the garden feel comfortable. They help to limit the pest infestation.