Evergreen magnolia - location, care, overwintering, propagation

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to tend and care for your Magnolia tree at home - Lawyer’s garden
Video: How to tend and care for your Magnolia tree at home - Lawyer’s garden


The evergreen magnolia is a shallow root and must therefore be cast in dry conditions

Evergreen magnolia - location, care, overwintering, propagation

The imposing evergreen magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) is an eye-catcher with its particularly large, fragrant flowers and the often idiosyncratic growth not only in spring. The heat-loving tree keeps its shiny leaves even in winter and thus pleases the eye in the gray season.

Next article Cut evergreen magnolia as little as possible

Which location does the evergreen magnolia prefer?

Magnolias prefer a deep and well drained garden soil as well as a sunlit location.

Can the evergreen magnolia be cultivated in the tub?

Alone due to the enormous space requirement, a tub culture of the evergreen magnolia - in general of magnolias with the exception of the short-grown star magnolias - is to be discouraged.

What is the water requirement of the evergreen magnolia?

Like all magnolias, the evergreen magnolia is a shallow root whose roots are very close to the earth's surface. For this reason, the soil should always be moist and not dry out, especially as magnolias have a fairly high water requirement. However, waterlogging should be avoided.

How and with what should Magnolia grandiflora be fertilized?

The evergreen magnolia has not only a high water, but also a high nutrient requirement. For this reason, planted specimens should stand in nutrient-rich, humus-rich soil and be fertilized with mature mixed compost at least three times a year. If the tree shows a lack of nutrients, you can also fertilize it with a high-quality, readily available complete fertilizer.

Is it allowed to cut the Evergreen Magnolia?

Magnolias should not be cut back if possible. However, if a cut is necessary - for example, after a storm - cut off the shoots to the roots. Standing stubs quickly lead to an unsightly broom growth.

How can Magnolia grandiflora be propagated?

Mostly the evergreen magnolia is increased by sinkers, whereby the rooting takes place very slowly and can take up to two years. Cuttings can be a larger number of young plants in less time.

When does Magnolia grandiflora bloom?

Compared to other magnolias the evergreen magnolia flowers a bit longer. Its flowering period extends from April to June over several weeks.

Why is it when the flowering of evergreen magnolia fails?

If the Evergreen Magnolia does not want to bloom, there may be several causes behind it:

Is evergreen magnolia susceptible to certain pests and diseases?

The evergreen magnolia is quite vulnerable to


Basically, the evergreen magnolia is quite sensitive to frost and therefore needs winter protection. However, there are also quite good frost-tolerant varieties.