How to properly care for the marsh marigold - tips and tricks

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pond Plant A to Z: The Marsh Marigold
Video: Pond Plant A to Z: The Marsh Marigold


A marsh marigold in the garden pond hardly needs care

How to properly care for the marsh marigold - tips and tricks

It is one of the first flowers to show its bright flowers at the garden pond in spring. She can not deny her membership in the family of the buttercup family. Their yellow flowers are very similar to those of the common buttercup.

Previous article The right location for the marsh marigold Next article When does the marsh marigold bloom?

In addition to the well-known simply yellow-flowering marsh marigolds exist other species and different varieties, including filled yellow or simple white flowers. Native are the game species in Europe, Asia and North America.

Location and ground

For the marsh marigold a half-shady or slightly sunny location is best. If it gets too little light, the marsh marigold makes long unsightly shoots and does not bloom so beautifully. The soil should be wet to wet. Well suited is a garden pond or a marsh bed.

The plants

Plant the marsh marigold in your garden pond, then use plant baskets. So you can easily implement the plants and possibly existing fish do not harm the roots of your marsh marigold in their search for food. In the shallow water at the edge of the pond, this plant usually feels better than in the deeper water.

Pouring and fertilizing

In the garden pond, the marsh marigold needs little care, it also has sufficient water there usually. On the other hand, if she is in the flowerbed, she should be watered abundant and regularly. Fertilize in moderation, preferably with organic fertilizer such as bone meal or horn shavings.

Harvesting and benefits

The marsh marigold contains the poisonous anemonin. It irritates the mucous membranes and leads to vomiting and diarrhea, in severe cases even to fainting and convulsions. Although this ingredient is lost by drying, but an internal use of the plant is still not recommended.

In the Middle Ages, the marsh marigold was used for liver ailments and because of the contained slimy saponins for cough, the inlaid buds served as a caper replacement. Today you should only take Caltha palustris as a homeopathic remedy.

The essentials in brief:


If you want to cultivate the marsh marigold flower in the bed, then water the plant regularly and abundantly, especially in hot, dry summer months.