Tips for the care of the straw flower

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW to PLANT and GROW STRAWFLOWERS plus TIPS for growing strawflowers in HOT CLIMATES
Video: HOW to PLANT and GROW STRAWFLOWERS plus TIPS for growing strawflowers in HOT CLIMATES


Straw flowers like it dry and sunny

Tips for the care of the straw flower

The flowers of the straw flower (Helichrysum) keep their bright colors even when dried, which is why these attractive garden flowers are increasingly grown in the gardens here in Germany and finally cut for dry bouquets. If some basic rules are followed during the cultivation, then the cultivation succeeds also less practiced gardeners relatively easily.

Previous article The ideal location for the straw flower Next article The straw flower in the garden - hardy or not?

How often should the strawflower be watered?

All subspecies of the straw flower usually prefer a relatively dry soil and a sunny as possible location. Nevertheless, especially in very hot locations such as on the balcony should be regularly poured during the summer months with little water, so that the plants in the pot or balcony box never completely dry out.

What should be considered when transplanting the straw flower?

Strawflowers can easily be cultivated in the pot or even preferred in a cold frame and later isolated. They tolerate transplanting usually relatively easily. Soils prone to waterlogging should first be sprinkled with a little sand. You can also provide well-seasoned compost for a long-term supply of nutrients and thus for a more abundant flowering of the straw flower.

When and how is the straw flower cut?

Perennial straw flowers are usually provided with a rejuvenation cut in the spring. Cutting back the plants in the fall is rather less favorable. Basically, straw flowers do not grow so much that they necessarily have to be cut because of their size. You should only pluck or remove withered or sick parts of plants and flowers regularly. The flowers should be cut for drying if the flower heads are not opened yet.

Which pests infest the straw flower?

The straw flower is rarely attacked by pests, any aphid colonies can be fought with the appropriate beneficials or washed off with a sharp stream of water.

Which diseases infest the straw flower and what can be done about it?

Occasionally occurs on straw flowers downy mildew. This can be combated with the commercial means or affected parts of plants simply as early as possible cut out.

What should the straw flower be fertilized with?

While one-year-old strawflowers are fertilized only during planting, perennial straw flower species should be fertilized approximately every two to three months. Specimens in the pot can be easily supplied with liquid fertilizer every two weeks

Can the straw flower be overwintered?

The different species of strawflower have different life cycles (depending on species, location and climate):

Even the annual species of the straw flower can be cultivated perennial, if they are overwintered protected in the pot.


Build different types of straw flowers with different flower colors to create beautiful bouquets.