What makes the Strelitzia flower so special?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
극락조화접기 - Paper bird of paradise flower - 꽃접기 - paper folding - 종이접기 折纸 origami оригами أوريغامي
Video: 극락조화접기 - Paper bird of paradise flower - 꽃접기 - paper folding - 종이접기 折纸 origami оригами أوريغامي


The Strelitzia flower captivates with its bright colors

What makes the Strelitzia flower so special?

It is not an outstandingly interesting growth picture and the leaves are not very spectacular. The Strelitzia (also called parrot flower) inspires with its blossoms much more. They not only have an unusual shape, but also wonderfully bright colors!

When does the flowering begin?

The heyday of the Strelitzia begins here at different times. The insertion of the flower is possible in this houseplant year-round. Mostly, however, the flowers form in spring or summer. In their homeland, these plants bloom between December and May.

Strelitzia that are not (yet) blooming

If Strelitzia does not bloom, there may be various causes behind it. Often it is because these plants were pulled from seeds. Then it takes 4 to 6 years until the flowers first appear. But once in motion, the flowers present themselves every year.

What do the flowers look like?

The following features have these flowers:

Flower color varies depending on the species

Depending on the species, strelitzias demonstrate different flower colors. The best known species is the King Strelitzia. She is said to be the most beautiful of all the Strelitzia flowers. They are colored orange-blue.

The flowers of the rush rushes are orange-blue to orange-purple. The mountain strelitzia has orange-blue to orange-purple flowers, the white strelitzia white flowers and the tree strelitzia black / dark blue-white flowers.


For an annual flowering, it is important that the Strelitzia is not only properly fertilized and poured. It also needs lots of sun and a cool (but frost-free) winter period.