Beware of the poisonous laurel cherry!

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Professor Beware 1938 (Audio Restored) Harold Lloyd
Video: Professor Beware 1938 (Audio Restored) Harold Lloyd


Beware of the poisonous laurel cherry!

It is done with determination, the laurel cherry was planted. Especially those who have small children are insecure and quickly ask themselves the question: is the laurel cherry poisonous?

Next article The laurel cherry and the variety of varieties

Toxic yes - deadly poisoning unlikely

The laurel cherry is poisonous to humans and animals in all parts of plants - more or less. Most dangerous are the seeds and leaves classified. The harmful substances are cyanogenic glycosides and in particular hydrogen cyanide. Symptoms of poisoning by the laurel cherry may be:

Only the fruits without the contained seeds are edible. But for this they need to be heated, for example to jam or jelly. Through the cooking process, most of the hydrogen cyanide is destroyed, the rest is eliminated in the body easily through the kidneys.

Tips & Tricks

It is best to cut away the cherries that look attractive to children within their reach. Most laurel cherry varieties produce fruits from late summer to fall.