Beware of gardening - crawler milk is poisonous!

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How can you tell if a plant is poisonous?
Video: How can you tell if a plant is poisonous?


The rolling spurge is poisonous

Beware of gardening - crawler milk is poisonous!

In April, the wolfberry flower (Euphorbia myrsinites) blooms and can be recognized from afar by its bright yellow flowers. The up to 25 centimeters high awake early flowering belongs to the very species-rich and worldwide represented family of the milkweed plants (Euphorbiaceae) and is gladly cultivated here in rock gardens. But beware: the plant is highly toxic and can cause painful burns.

Spurge does not bear its name for nothing

The wolf's milk does not carry its dangerous sounding name for a reason - just like all the other of the approximately 2200 different species of wolfberry plants. After all, a hungry wolf is just as snappy as the plant's latex, whose ingredients can cause skin irritation and even severe burns. The latex-like milk juice can not be completely removed with soap and water, but can be eliminated with fatty creams. As soon as the mucous membranes (mouth and throat, digestive organs, eyes) you should consult a doctor!


Never work with spurge plants without protective measures. Always use gloves, long clothing and protective goggles. The milky sap also exudes minor injuries.