Is the star flower hardy?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Really Cool Liatris
Video: Really Cool Liatris


The star flower is used to mild winters and knows no minus degrees

Is the star flower hardy?

From the mild climate of Central and South America, the star flower found its way into our garden and onto the balcony. With regard to this origin, the question of the winter hardiness of the enchanting spring and summer flower is obvious. Read here how the frost hardiness is ordered. This is how the overwintering succeeds.

Starflower is conditionally hardy

In their natural habitat, star flowers have not learned to defy frosty temperatures. If the thermometer in the winter garden falls below freezing point every year, the tuber can not survive in the soil. Even in winter-mildew areas, the planting site should be piled thick with leaves and brushwood before the cold season, so the onion will be sprouting again next spring.

Tips for undamaged wintering

So that the star flower repeats its flower magic in the bed next summer, we recommend these measures for a healthy hibernation:

Allow the tubers to air dry for a few more days. Only then are they admitted to a cool, dark room. On a grid or hammered in sand, the star-flower bulbs store dry at temperatures between 5 and 8 degrees Celsius. It is beneficial to turn the tubers from time to time to control them for rot and pests.

Also put in the pot

Cultivated in pot and balcony box, star flowers are not protected from frost damage. If enough space is available, the onions and the vessel can be given. Cut the dead stems to the ground. In the dry substrate, the plants overwinter frost-free and dark.


Due to the low frost tolerance, the planting of star-flower bulbs begins at the earliest in April. In a sunny, warm location, place the tubers 5 to 10 cm deep into the well-drained soil. Arranged in small tuffs at a distance of 5 cm, the graceful flowers are impressively staged. The care is limited to regular watering, fertilizing and cleaning up withered flower heads.