When and how is turf to be fertilized? - That's right

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 16 May 2024
When and how is turf to be fertilized? - That's right - Garden
When and how is turf to be fertilized? - That's right - Garden


When and how is turf to be fertilized? - That's right

Rolling turf transforms barren wasteland into a velvety-green carpet within a day. In order to keep it that way, the right nutrient supply is of paramount importance. Learn here when and how you fertilize turfs according to all the rules of the arts.

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Schedule for the correct fertilization of turf

When you fertilize a turf is just as relevant to a vigorous growth as the process itself. Although the choice of fertilizer and regional conditions are also relevant, the following timeline has proved to be a good rule of thumb:

Environmentally conscious gardeners favor organic or mineral-organic preparations, as these vitalize the soil life at the same time. From purely mineral preparations, such as blue-grain, more and more lawn experts refrain. The grasses will only shoot up for a short time without being permanently strengthened, as the organic nutrient supply promises.

Scarifying optimizes the absorption of turf fertilizer

So that turf effectively absorbs the nutrients of the ruminant, it is previously scarred. At least once a year, experienced hobby gardeners treat the green to this vitalizing treatment. Here rotating knives moss and weeds comb out of the turf, so that the turf fertilizer can fully unfold its effect.

Fertilize rolling turf - that's how it works

After mowing or scarifying the lawn, remove the fertilizer. That's what matters:

So that a turf can completely absorb the nutrients, the area is watered. Repeat the irrigation in the following days until no more fertilizer grains are visible. Do not blow up a turf under the blazing sun, as it could cause burns.

This is how lime regulates over acidified grass

Increased emergence of moss indicates that the turf could be over acidified. Therefore, check the pH value with a test from the hardware store. If the result is below 5.5, correct the deficiency with lime. For this purpose, choose a mild vital lime or rock flour. Apply the lawn lime at the recommended dosage and then water the area. 3-4 weeks should be allowed before the next dose of fertilizer.

Tips & Tricks

In the spring, lawn turf focuses its appetite for nitrogen for dense growth and phosphor for a rich green color. In autumn, on the other hand, the turf prefers to use potassium to prepare for the frosty winter temperatures. Therefore, make sure to use the seasonally adjusted NPK composition when selecting the fertilizer.