Watering lawns - how to do it right

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Water Your Lawn Properly | Lawn Watering Tips
Video: How To Water Your Lawn Properly | Lawn Watering Tips


Watering lawns - how to do it right

The care of turf turf is all about a balanced water supply from the beginning. Do not puzzle anymore as you pour turf properly. We tell you how often and in what quantity you do it right.

Previous article When and how is turf to be fertilized? - That's right

Pouring begins on the day of installation

Freshly laid turf is thirsty - very thirsty. Therefore, start watering the new lawn on the day of installation. That is how it goes:

If, on the day of installation, the sun burns down from the sky, be sure to pour the fresh lawn rolls as you work. To determine the degree of wetness in the turf, pierce a wrench in the sod. This should be wet after being pulled out to a length of 7-10 centimeters.

How often do you water the turf in summer?

During the warm season, a lawn evaporates up to 20 liters of water per square meter every day. If the natural rainfall does not compensate for this loss immediately, the green should be watered promptly. How to do it right:

Water turf a maximum of 2 times a week in this amount. Instead, water daily in small quantities, only penetrate the moisture superficially into the sod. The result is too weak rooting of the grasses, so they are even more sensitive to drought.

Tips & Tricks

Already knew? A roll of turf on the day of delivery consists of a whopping 90 percent water. This value indicates at a glance the importance of a sufficient supply of water. After all, one month after laying, water accounts for 70 to 80 percent of the weight.