How to design a rock garden - tips and ideas

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Design a Rock Garden on a Budget
Video: How to Design a Rock Garden on a Budget


Colorful flowers bring colors to the rock garden

How to design a rock garden - tips and ideas

There are countless ways to design and create a rock garden. However, before you get down to the concrete planning, you should first think not only about the style you want, but also about the local conditions and the planned maintenance costs. After all, not all plants can be planted in any location - some prefer a dry and sunny spot, others a rather humid one or even a shady one - and, moreover, the later time spent on care also plays a role in the design.

Early article Plan and create a rock garden properly Next article The most beautiful hardy rock garden plants

What should the rock garden look like?

The choice of plants and the concrete design of the rock garden determine the care required. If you have little time or do not want to spend too much, you might want to limit yourself to a smaller "mountain", possibly with the option of a later expansion. The maintenance of a larger stone plant can be very time consuming. The choice of plants also determines the care required, because robust and fast-growing upholstery plants require less care than more complicated dwarf species.

The natural rock garden

The best idea generator for your "garden mountains" is nature itself. Natural rock landscapes can be recreated with the appropriate planning in the garden, which you need different types of stone in different sizes. With different types of rocks, you create the many habitats for many mountain plants, because not every plant thrives on every stone. For example, there are a number of lime-draining plants that would sooner or later become involved in limestone such as limestone, dolomite or tuff, as well as plants that absolutely require lime for healthy growth and therefore do not find ideal habitat on siliceous rocks such as granite or shale. But not only the choice of rock type, but also the pleasing distribution of different stone sizes from boulders to gravel to fine gravel gives the plant a natural impression.

Variants of the natural rock garden

There are numerous variations for lifelike rockeries. For example, the combination of water - for example, in the form of a stream and / or small pond - and stone or a rock garden on a slope or embankment is especially beautiful. Such conditions can also be created artificially as so-called Senkgärten with the help of dry stone walls. A special form of the lifelike landscaped rock garden is also the fascinating Japanese Garden.

Mini-rockery for balcony or terrace

For a lifelike rock garden you do not necessarily need a large garden, because in pasen planters can be a mini-mountain landscape on the balcony or terrace realize. Suitable vessels are, for example

Pay particular attention to a good drainage at these mini-rock gardens, because waterlogging and too much moisture quickly lead to the death of the plants.


If you own a house or an outbuilding with an easily accessible flat roof, then even the plant of a rock garden is possible there. Before that, however, you should definitely clarify the load capacity of the construction. After all, comes with the stones a heavy weight on the roof.