Breeding Speisemorchel - Is this possible?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
morel mushroom
Video: morel mushroom


The breeding of the edible morel is very complicated

Breeding Speisemorchel - Is this possible?

In contrast to many other edible mushrooms, you do not look for the coveted morels in autumn, but in early spring: From March / April, you can search in brook and river floodplains. In contrast, the more common shrew is sometimes even found in the bark mulch of the front gardens.

Breeding success can not be guaranteed

Many people have already tried in the breeding of valuable escalope. In fact, there have been successes and you can buy appropriate breeding material. However, for a successful breeding of dairy it is not only necessary to have a perfect environment and a suitable location, the weather also has to play a role. Furthermore, your botanical knowledge is required, without which a later harvest will not be possible. Another complicating factor is that the morels very often do not appear where they have been introduced: Instead of the mushroom bed, the neighbor may be happy many hundreds of meters further on a lush morels harvest.

You can breed these edible mushrooms yourself

The table shows some types of mushrooms that can be grown relatively easily and without much effort at home. Some mushrooms you get already completely ready with the necessary substrate, with others you have to inoculate the freshly beaten logs themselves.


If you find spiny morels in the bark mulch of your front yard, you should not be too happy: Most of the time no such mushrooms will appear in the following year because probably all nutrients have been used up.