Do snails like sun hat?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Snails usually avoid sun hat

Do snails like sun hat?

Snails seem to be foodies.They like salad and vegetables, but also many decorative flowers and perennials. In some gardens, they are a nuisance, as they eat everything - except for the sun hat!

Sun hat as snail guards

The most beautiful plants do not use anything in your garden when they find other lovers who take their food and eat them. Unfortunately it is not so rare that voles eat the roots or snails the leaves of pretty shrubs. You do not always want to use chemical protection, especially when small children or pets are walking around in the garden.

However, a herb has grown against snails, namely sun hat. He is so much avoided by the hungry animals that they spare even the neighboring plants. If you plant Echinacea or Rudbeckia around your vegetable patch you will be able to eat your vegetables again in the future. For that you should take care of your sunhat in the best possible way.

What does Sonnenhut need?

The location of your sun hat should be protected from the wind as well as sunny and warm. During the flowering season you will be watering your sunhat daily, and will thank you for it with a particularly lush flowering. But the Echinacea survives even a dry period quite well, for example, during your vacation.

In spring and autumn, treat your perennials with a dose of organic fertilizer. Recommended are well rotted compost or horn chips. You can support potted plants with some liquid fertilizer about every four to six weeks during flowering. Because the nutrients of the potting soil in the planters is often not enough for the whole season.

Sun hat in winter

Sun hat is hardy. He does not need special care during this time. Next year, plan your vegetable patch elsewhere, then plant the shrubs in the fall or spring. You can easily overwinter container plants in a cool greenhouse.

The essentials in brief:

Tips & Tricks

Sun hat is a great natural protection against snails in the vegetable patch and for gardens where small children or pets play.