How to plant your lucky bamboo - interesting tips

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
My Secret to Grow Healthy Lucky Bamboo Indoors & Propagate Easily
Video: My Secret to Grow Healthy Lucky Bamboo Indoors & Propagate Easily


Lucky bamboo thrives in potting soil as well as in water

How to plant your lucky bamboo - interesting tips

You have various ways to cultivate your lucky bamboo. The simplest thing, of course, is to leave it in the container where you bought it. If you do not like this idea, then you can repot the lucky bamboo but also.

Next article How to Maintain Your Lucky Bamboo - Tips and Tricks

The siting

The lucky bamboo likes to be bright, warm and moist. Whether cultivating it in hydroponics, a vase or in potting soil, give your lucky bamboo a light but not full sun with a high level of humidity. If the air is rather dry, sprinkle the Lucky Bamboo regularly with lime-free water.

The substrate choice

Whether you prefer to use expanded clay for hydroponics or classic potting soil is entirely up to you. So far, you should not switch to an attitude in water or hydroponic culture, which is quite tedious and time-consuming.

More important than the substrate choice is the pase climate for a good growth of the otherwise easy-to-maintain Lucky Bamboo and its health. Even at temperatures just below 18 ° C, this plant stops growing. If the temperature only drops below it for a short time, for example during a short airing in winter, then this does not usually harm your lucky bamboo.

The preparation for planting

If you want to plant hibernation cultured in water in the soil, then pay attention to a good rooting of the stems. If in doubt, wait a while before transplanting until the roots of your lucky bamboo are strong enough. Choose the pot high enough that the plant is safe in it. Pulled into soil, Lucky Bamboo can grow up to a meter high.

Place the Lucky Bamboo in the ground as deep as it used to be in the water. You can plant several stems in a pot, if the pot has the appropriate size. The stems can be intertwined into pretty arrangements. But they should still be young and easy to bend.

Maintain freshly planted Lucky Bamboo

Freshly planted, the lucky bamboo needs a lot of water. Make sure that the earth is neither dry nor really wet. Use stagnant water or rainwater for pouring, never lime-rich tap water. If you have used fresh potting soil, then your lucky bamboo needs no fertilizer for the time being.

The essentials in brief:


You can plant your lucky bamboo according to your wishes in potting soil or hydroponics. However, it should be well rooted for planting in soil.