Maintain sunflowers in the pot

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow sunflower in pots at home, full update
Video: How to grow sunflower in pots at home, full update


Sunflowers in the pot need a lot of water

Maintain sunflowers in the pot

Sunflowers in pots or pots look very decorative on the balcony or terrace. But they only thrive if the care is right. What you have to keep in mind when cultivating the popular summer flower in the tub.

How is the sunflower poured in the pot?

Sunflowers in the pot need a lot of water. Daily watering is mandatory. But make sure that no waterlogging arises.

The plant pot should always have a vent hole and stand on a coaster. Place a piece of pottery on the trigger hole so it will not clog up.

Excess irrigation water should be released as soon as possible.

How often does the pot sunflower have to be fertilized?

As a star collector, the sunflower in the pot needs a lot of nutrients. Fertilize at least once a week with a nitrogenous fertilizer.

Ideal are mature compost, horn shavings or nettle.

You can also fertilize sunflowers in the pot with liquid fertilizer from the garden center market, as the hormone-treated kernels of small varieties of sunflower should not be eaten anyway.

May the plants be repotted?

Sunflowers are annuals. They are usually not repotted. Only if the planter is much too small, you should put the flower in a larger container or, if possible, plant in the field.

Do sunflowers have to be cut in the pot?

Annual sunflowers do not have to be cut at all. Blooming flower heads can remain on the stem, they mature by themselves.

If you want to dry sunflowers, cut those flowers that are not yet fully opened on a dry day.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Leaf blotch, real and downy mildew, as well as various fungal diseases can cause the sunflower. In a breezy, warm location, however, diseases rarely occur.

You should pay attention to these pests:

Can sunflowers be overwintered in the pot?

Most sunflowers are annual. Only perennial shrubs must be overwintered frost-free.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to grow sunflowers in the pot, you should prefer small varieties. Well suited are "Double Dandy", "Teddy Bear" or "Yellow Tots. Keep in mind, however, that the seeds have been treated, and the seeds collected by the flowers usually do not germinate.