Sommerastern - one-year or perennial?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 16 May 2024
Video: Sommerastern


Summer asters are annual plants

Sommerastern - one-year or perennial?

The care of Sommerastern is not special, but quite similar to that for other perennials. But does it make any sense to invest a lot of time and energy in the summer astern or do you already go into it in the first year?

Previous article Give the Sommeraster this care! Next article Sommeraster - not hardy and therefore sow new every year

Summer asters - annuals

Many plant lovers will now probably look sad, but: summer asters are unfortunately only annuals. That distinguishes them from the known and widespread in this country Herbstastern. These are perennial and widening with age.

Summer asters do not belong to the asters

The name is misleading, because actually summer asters are not asters. While autumn blacks belong to the genus of the Aster, summer asters belong to the genus Callistephus. Depending on the region, they are also called garden sheds.

Germinate in the first year, bloom in the first year

The Sommeraster is pre-cultivated in the spring or sown directly from May into the field. Within a few weeks, young plants have already developed that grow vigorously until the summer.

In summer, these plants reach a stature height of up to 70 cm. This makes them lower than autumnal ones. Then, at the same time, the heyday starts, because summer asters are in a hurry. By autumn, the cup flowers are present.

Start seeding each year again

If you want to see the Sommeraster every year in your garden, balcony box or a pot on the terrace, you have to fight hard. Since the plant is only one year old, it has to be sown and bought and planted every year. In order to save costs, it is advisable to collect the seeds in the autumn and to sow in the spring.

What you can recognize a Sommeraster

A Sommeraster recognize among others by these features:


Sommerastern are ideal for summer discounts, cottage gardens and cut flowerbeds!