Simply grow oyster mushrooms on straw

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing oyster mushrooms on hay or straw
Video: Growing oyster mushrooms on hay or straw


Straw provides oyster mushrooms an optimal surface

Simply grow oyster mushrooms on straw

Straw is particularly well suited to the breeding of oyster mushrooms, because the material can hold moisture well and is also particularly permeable to air. In particular, wheat straw has been proven for this purpose.

Shopping mushroom spawn

First, you need mushroom spores or broods to "vaccinate" the straw. It is best to use mushroom spawn and no spores, as the latter requires a considerable amount of time, patience and experience. By contrast, the inoculation of the brood equals the planting of seedlings that have already formed their roots - and leads accordingly much faster to success.

Prepare nutrient medium

Of course, it is not enough to simply spread the mushroom spawn on the straw, the material must first be prepared accordingly. First cut the straws with kitchen scissors into pieces about three to five centimeters long. These fill in a large pot and cover with plenty of water. Bring water and straw to a boil, both simmer for about 45 minutes over medium heat. Finally, allow the straw to draw for ten more minutes before draining the water. Catch the straw water: it is very nutritious and can be used wonderfully for pouring the mushrooms.

Sowing and care

Once the pasteurized straw has cooled to room temperature and is already slightly dry, place it in a suitable container and add some coffee grounds. Now crumble the brood into fine pieces and mix them under the enriched straw. Some suppliers already use the mushroom brood in sawdust, so you just need to cover them with another, thicker layer of straw or sawdust. Finally, humidify the soil vigorously with a nebulizer. Place the bowl or sack in a cool, dark place. For example, cellar rooms or a garage are very suitable. The ideal ambient temperature for growing oyster mushrooms is around 10 ° C. Spray the culture regularly with water, so that the culture medium never completely dries up.


After some time, a whitish fluff will be visible on the surface. This is not mold, because this is almost always black, pink, yellow or bluish-green in mushrooms. Incidentally, oyster mushrooms can also be grown on a moistened straw bale on a shady corner in the garden.