Wollläuse am Geldbaum - Recognize and treat!

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Wollläuse am Geldbaum - Recognize and treat! - Garden
Wollläuse am Geldbaum - Recognize and treat! - Garden


Wollläusebefall should be better prevented, because they are difficult to combat

Wollläuse am Geldbaum - Recognize and treat!

Although there are few pests that seriously harm the money tree, you should not underestimate the risk of infestation by mealybugs or mealybugs. If you do not fight these pests immediately, the money tree may come in.

That's why wool lice on money trees are so damaging

Woll lice or lice not only suck the moisture out of the leaves. They also release toxins that damage the plant through their saliva.

In addition, they leave a sticky liquid on the leaves, the so-called honeydew. This deposit can lead to an infestation of the money tree with Rußtaupilz. You can hardly do anything about this fungal disease.

Therefore, carefully observe your money tree, so that you recognize a Wolllaus infestation as fast as possible.

Recognize lice or lice on the money tree

When the leaves of the money tree turn yellow or even fall off, it is almost too late to save the plant. Be alert when white dots appear on the leaves. Even though some leaves appear to soften, you should look closely at money trees for pests.

Whether it's woolly lice, you can tell by the fact that the leaves are forming small white webs that are reminiscent of cotton balls. Sticky leaves are also a hint.

How to combat Wollläuse

The often recommended treatment of the lice by lube soap solution does not make sense. The lice have a dense shell that can not be penetrated.

The commercially available insecticides contain toxins that fight the mealybugs. They are passed over the substrate into the leaves and poison the pests sucking there.

Dead voles or lice can easily be rubbed off with a soft cloth or a brush.


The fight against mealybugs is tedious. If you use sprays, you must use them for at least two weeks to completely catch the lice. As long as the money tree should be placed separately.