How to cut your sickle fir with flying colors!

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Awesome Chain Reaction - Sticks Weave
Video: Awesome Chain Reaction - Sticks Weave


The cedar fir does not necessarily have to be cut

How to cut your sickle fir with flying colors!

The cedar fir, originally from Japan, is an exceptionally beautiful cypress plant. It is in use both as a bonsai and as a large outdoor plant. But how compatible is she and what is essential to consider when cutting?

By nature, a harmonious growth - cutting is unnecessary

The great habit is one of the unbeatable advantages of the cedar. By nature, he is beautifully formed. She runs in her growth picture just like a candle and testifies to pure symmetry! The branches are painterly hanging on the sides.

The sickle fir gladly reaches a stature height of 8 m and even more. But until that happens, it will take a few decades, because it is growing very slowly. Both the natural form and the weak growth make a cut generally unnecessary.

Reasons for cutting

But there may be several reasons that make a cut useful. These include:

Ideal cutting time: late summer

The ideal time to cut the cedar was in late summer. But since it is well cut tolerant, it can also be cut the rest of the year on frost-free days. Nevertheless, late summer is and remains the best choice around August. Choose a dry and optimally cloudy day for the cut!

Radical section only in exceptional cases

The cedar fir tolerates even a radical pruning. Deep into her old wood can be cut. But in principle, such a cut is not necessary, but only in exceptional cases makes sense. It takes a while for the cedar to revive vigorously.

Objective: to win offspring

Also for winning offshoots a cut is appropriate. This is to be noted:


Cut the branches slightly diagonally and about 5 mm above a bud!