Propagate sleep tree - seed cultivation

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
21 AMAZING PLANTS IDEAS || DIY Gardening Tricks You Should Know
Video: 21 AMAZING PLANTS IDEAS || DIY Gardening Tricks You Should Know


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Propagate sleep tree - seed cultivation

You can multiply a sleeping tree, also called silk acacia or silk tree. However, you will need to be patient until you have used a stately sleeping tree. What you have to keep in mind when raising young sleeping trees.

Cultivation of the sleeping tree from seeds

The sleeping tree can be grown from seeds. However, the cultivation takes quite a long time. In the first years the sleeping tree does not bloom. For that, he must first have grown several years old and tall enough.

Of course, you can also buy the seed for silk acacia in the garden shop.

This is how you get seeds for the silk tree

If your sleeping tree already has flowers, you can harvest seeds for the cultivation of new trees. From the flowers develop to 15 centimeters long fruiting bodies in which the seed ripens.

When the seeds are brown, pick them off and leave them to dry well before sowing.

Note: The fruiting bodies and seeds of the silk acacia are poisonous. They must not get into the hands of children.

Sow the silk acacia and continue cultivating

The temperatures at the location of the plant pots must be very high. Ideal for germination is when it is at least 25 degrees warm.

To prevent the seeds from drying out, cover the pots with cling film. Ventilate regularly so nothing molds.

Plant out sleeping tree

Once the young silk trees have reached a height of 15 to 20 centimeters, pot them in pots of normal potting soil.

Keep the substrate evenly moist, but never too wet.

Maintain a newly grown silk acacia in the tub in the first few years as it is not hardy. After several years, you may also plant them out in the open if you provide them with good protection against frost at the beginning of winter.


The heyday of the sleeping tree falls into the summer. For several weeks new flowers form, which have a delicate fragrance.