The water lily does not bloom - tips and solutions

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to become a pro in growing Water Lilies | Flowering Issue SOLVED
Video: How to become a pro in growing Water Lilies | Flowering Issue SOLVED


There can be many reasons why the water lily does not bloom

The water lily does not bloom - tips and solutions

A whole sea of ​​water lily blossoms that decorate the entire pond - many gardeners dream of it. The greatest effort is made when planting and yet: The water lilies do not want to bloom. What can this be?

The most common reason: Too little planting distance

The most common reason for missing flowers is that the water lilies are too close together. Either you have planted them too closely or they have spread and are now proliferating. The plants are quickly cramped each other. So if the water surface is full of leaves and the view into the water hardly possible, then that can be a cause for the bloom failure.

The solution of the problem

But what helps now? Quite simple: split the plants. If necessary, you can also remove and dispose of those created, for example, by self-sowing to make room again.

Other reasons why the water lily does not bloom

But there are many other causes behind the absence of flowers. These include, for example, these:

Suggestions to ensure a rich flowering

First, it depends on the location. Place your water lilies in a place where they can soak up around 6 hours of sunlight per day. The water surface should be calm. Fountains, fountains, whirlpools, etc. not completely unsuitable and cause water lilies do not want to bloom.

In the care it depends on a regular division of aquatic plants. That should happen about every 4 years. In addition, it is important to provide enough nutrients. For example, fertilize the plants from April to May using slow release fertilizer cones. They gradually release the nutrients to the water and thus the plants.


Often, water lilies do not flower for a season after relocating. Patience is sometimes in demand.