Versatile and healthy - freeze blackcurrants

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Frozen blackcurrants are a delicious snack

Versatile and healthy - freeze blackcurrants

Unless otherwise eaten or otherwise processed, blackcurrants should be placed in the freezer immediately after harvest. The small vitamin bombs are very sensitive to improper storage and are quickly mushy or moldy. In the refrigerator you should store them therefore only one day and then process immediately. For longer storage, the freezer is ideal.

Freeze blackcurrants

When preparing the berries for the freezer you should exercise a little caution so as not to crush the tender berry. Proceed as follows:

    Harvest the berries as soon as they have taken a deep black color and slightly yield to pressure. If possible, snap off the whole panicles from the branch. So the sensitive berries are not hurt. Be sure to harvest only perfect berries. Dried or already moldy specimens are not in the harvest basket. Then wash the panicles under running water. It is best to use a sieve so that the berries are not in the water. Then pluck the berries from the stems. Tip: Use a fork and gently brush the berries towards the stem end. Let the berries drain on a kitchen towel for some time. Too much moisture forms ice during the freezing process and the berries clump together. If the berries are well dried, they can be frozen in suitable containers.

It is ideal to first freeze the blackcurrants on a tray and then refill them into containers. So each berry is frosted individually and nothing sticks together.
The berries remain fresh in the freezer for up to a year.

Process frozen blackcurrants

When you thaw the black berries, your skin becomes soft and muddy. You may experience a lot of juice. You can no longer cover a fruit soil with these berries, but they can be baked in a batter or processed in a cream filling. Also a pancake batter is a great base for the processing of frozen black currants. Of course, they are still suitable for the preparation of jams, jams or a self-made liqueur