Successfully overwinter the oregano

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Oregano in Containers
Video: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Oregano in Containers


Successfully overwinter the oregano

The Oregano is a true survivalist and adapts well in its natural habitat of both extreme heat and cold. However, it depends on the variety as hardy as the herb is. For this reason, sufficient winter protection is required.

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Cover young plants early

Oregano set in the current year is often not sufficiently hardened to survive frosts unscathed. It is therefore advisable to give the really hardy plants already with the onset of the first night frosts a corresponding protection.

Since the plant dries up in the frozen earth in wind and sunlight, it is important to provide shade as well. This also protects the plants from the interplay of warm daytime temperatures and frost at night, which is common in our latitudes.

Oregano in the tub overwinter

Oregano in the house over winter

In very rough locations, you can take the herb out of the herb garden, pot it and overwinter it in a bright, frost-free room. The same applies to oregano bushes cultivated on the balcony or terrace during the summer.

Tips & Tricks

We advise against hibernation at room temperature, because only if the metabolism of the plant is slowed can the oregano survive until spring.