Transplanting snowdrops: when, how and where

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Dividing and replanting snowdrops
Video: Dividing and replanting snowdrops


Transplanting snowdrops: when, how and where

Although it looks tender and fragile with its three leaves and its snow-white bell flower. But the snowdrop is tough against its appearance. But what about transplanting? When was the right time for it?

Transplant during flowering

Snowdrops have a comparatively short growing season. In spring at its peak, they are in top form. Therefore, at this time the best time has come to replant them.

Most species of snowdrops bloom between January and March. By the end of May at the latest in the flowering and the snowdrops have been received. The transplanting of most snowdrop species should therefore take place between February and the end of March.

Autumn - an alternative?

The transplanting can also be done at a later time. But note: unlike many other perennials, it is not advisable to replant the snowdrop in autumn. It would not be easy to find because it was withdrawn aboveground. Furthermore, the onion is leached out and the likelihood of survival is less than at flowering.

Requirements for transplanting

But not only the flowering time determines the transplanting. There are other aspects that are significant. First, the snowdrops should still be green and not brown and withered. On the other hand, the soil should be thawed and processed well.

Dig up, separate, implement

Procedure for transplanting:

Which location is suitable?

The new location for the snowdrops should be half shady to shady. Most of these plants feel under or in front of deciduous summer deciduous trees. These are bare during winter time, when the snowdrops are blooming, and the snowdrops can shoot up quickly due to the warm sunlight.

While half-shaded locations with humus and moist soil are ideal, locations near coniferous trees such as tree of life and yew are poorly tolerated by snowdrops. There they find an acid soil that they do not like.

Tips & Tricks

Be careful not to choose a sunny location. There, snowdrops do not feel well and could quickly dry up.