Every year again - to overwinter fragrance geraniums

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Overwinter Geraniums:  Winterize Geraniums, Easy and Free, Foolproof Flowers again in Spring
Video: How to Overwinter Geraniums: Winterize Geraniums, Easy and Free, Foolproof Flowers again in Spring


The scented geranium is very frost-sensitive and must not be outside in winter

Every year again - to overwinter fragrance geraniums

The Duftgeranie, which is also known as Duftpelargonie, originally comes from the Mediterranean and is quite sensitive to frost. In order not to buy new specimens or propagate seeds every year, this plant should be wintered.

Early item Incense geranium by cuttings or sowing Next article The fragrance geranium does not bloom - cause for concern?

In the wintering quarter: From October to May

That's how it's done:

After the overwintering (from May) the fragrance geraniums can take off. Now the following is important to care, in order to prevent the plant from later refusing to bloom:

Tips & Tricks

If flower buds form in winter, they should be broken open. Otherwise, they rob the fragrance geranium too much strength.