The fragrance geranium does not bloom - cause for concern?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Scented Geraniums In Containers
Video: Growing Scented Geraniums In Containers


If the fragrant geranium does not bloom, it can have several causes

The fragrance geranium does not bloom - cause for concern?

In addition to its fragrant leaves the Duftpelargonie convinced with their flowers. They usually appear in the summer and can be present until the autumn. But if the flowers do not appear, the guesswork is big. What's happening?

Previous article Every year - overwinter fragrance geraniums

Most common cause: missing pruning

Scented geraniums bloom on the shoots they train in spring. In other words, anyone who does not radically cut down its scented geranium to 10 cm in the spring after the winter season risks not forming any flowers in the summer.

Dryness puts them in stress

Furthermore, lack of water may be the cause of a lack of flowering. Even if the fragrance geranium is not the mainstay of care, it should not be forgotten. Especially in the main growing season between April and September, casting is crucial.

Lack of nutrients or wrong fertilization

Even a poor supply of nutrients can be blamed for the lack of flowers. But usually this Mediterranean plant is fertilized with a low nutrient supply. When fertilizing, the following should be noted:

The plant is frozen

The scented geranium is an extremely frost-sensitive plant. Those who plant them too early, for example in March, should not be surprised if no flowers appear in May / June. The early planting carries the risk that the plant freezes due to late frost.

Diseases or pests are in the game

Last but not least, diseases such as gray mold and rust can cause the missing flowers. A disease infestation weakens the plant so that it has no energy for flowers. On top of that, pests can bring disaster. Although pests such as spider mites and aphids rarely occur on the scented geranium, they can with their feeding the flower training halt.

Tips & Tricks

Even if your fragrant geranium does not bloom, mosquitoes and other vermin will drive you away with the scent of its leaves. There are no flowers required.