Snake in the garden - what kind can it be?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Billy Gilman - The Snake Song
Video: Billy Gilman - The Snake Song


The native in Germany adder is poisonous but not deadly

Snake in the garden - what kind can it be?

The sight of them causes the adrenalin level to shoot up. If a snake emerges in the garden, the first fright is great. That's understandable, but unnecessary. Domestic snakes are mostly completely harmless. The guidebook explains the type of snake that is important by means of important identification features. Our tips tell you how to behave correctly in an encounter.

Recognition of common snakes - An overview of identification features

If it comes in the garden to an encounter of humans and snake, it concerns mostly the grass snake. Four other snake species are native to Germany, of which two are among the poisonous snakes. Outstanding recognition features are presented in the following overview:

The domestic slow-worm is neither blind nor a snake. In fact, it is a species of lizard whose legs have completely receded in the course of evolution. The shy animal is not poisonous, 30 to 40 cm long, gray, gray-brown or brown colored. Since the slow-worm has snails and other pests on the menu, it can be safely attributed to the beneficials.

Bite of adder is not deadly

The adder is poisonous, but not aggressive. Rather, she always seeks her salvation in flight. Only when the snake is cornered or touched does it resist and bite. This is painful but not life threatening. Nevertheless, seek immediate medical attention as a consequent infection in combination with the poison may be hazardous to your health.

Snakes are protected - this is how you behave properly

All native snakes are threatened with extinction and are therefore subject to species protection. It is forbidden to disturb, hunt or even kill the animals. Keep calm at a meeting and leave the snake with an escape route that they are guaranteed to use. Even a firm kick to the ground triggers the instinct of flight.

If you can not make friends with a snake in the garden at all, please contact the public order office and not the fire brigade. Experts can be mentioned here who expertly relocate an unwanted snake.


Are not you keen on grass snakes or dice snakes in your garden? Then just create a heather garden. The dry, sandy conditions do not accord to the two semiaquatic snakes. Only when you integrate a garden pond in the design plan, the domestic snake species could still arrive.