What matters in the care of the head berry

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Parent Teacher Interviews
Video: Parent Teacher Interviews


The blackberry needs a lot of water

What matters in the care of the head berry

Scheinbeeren are considered popular ornamental shrubs for both gardens and tubs on balconies and terraces. With their decorative, but slightly poisonous berries, they make a lot of visual effects, especially during winter time. What care do you need?

What is remarkable about casting?

Watering is essential in the care of the pear berries. These plants tolerate no dryness. If they had the choice, they would prefer short-term wetness to short-term dryness. Therefore, you should regularly pour your Scheinbeere in summer heat, in dry seasons and otherwise, when the rain is absent! Rainwater should be used for casting.

Does the headberry need regular fertilizer?

From the end of March until the beginning of August, the wild berry can be fertilized:

Does one have to overwinter the apparent berry?

Scheinbeeren are extremely hardy. They have their origins in North America and Canada. Only before winter sun and Kahlfrost you should protect these plants, for example, with brushwood.

How can a pruning be tolerated and how do you do it?

Radically, pear berries should not be cut. Rather, a slight cut is recommended. Between mid-March and mid-April, a good period of time has come for cutting. Cut the shoots discreetly! This stimulates bud formation (after-flowering) and accelerates growth. Dead, sick and old shoots can always be removed on frost-free days.

How is the care different on the balcony?

The maintenance of pear berries in the tub, for example, on the balcony is more complex:


Protect your mauve in the summer from drying out by covering it with bark mulch!