Get rid of pests in the garden - Tips for an environmentally friendly fight

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
10 Organic Ways to Control Pests in the Garden
Video: 10 Organic Ways to Control Pests in the Garden


Indian runners eat all the snails

Get rid of pests in the garden - Tips for an environmentally friendly fight

No garden is spared by pests. Aphids, snails, voles and cohorts take every opportunity to make their way over your lovingly cultivated ornamental and useful plants. This list of practice-proven tips reveals how to effectively combat the most common culprits without using toxins.

Lice surrender to soapy water - that's how it works

Just in time for the beginning of the garden season, they are on hand. Aphids, scale insects and other plant lice populate the leaves to suck the juices from the young, freshly sprouting life. We resent lice and define them as pests to fight. To get rid of the plague, you can safely do without chemical insecticides. In this home remedy the parasites regularly get the short straw:

Repeat the application until you can no longer locate any pests.

Stink bothers voles - poison-free repellent agent

Voles have the same preference for vegetables in the garden as the gardener. Flower bulbs and rose roots are also on their menu. Therefore, the voracious tunnelers are defined as pests whose control is allowed. Those who remain true to their basic ecological principles also in the pest control, leaves poisonous means left and sells odor-sensitive voles with stench.

Among the home remedies, cloths impregnated with turpentine or carbolineum have proven to be useful in several places. If you exercise the necessary care, vole mice with butyric acid. Specialist retailers have ready-to-use repellent solutions, such as the non-toxic vole gas from Neudorff or the odor-intensive bullets from Dr. Ing. Stähler vole free.

Ducks versus snails - fighting in harmony with nature

Pesticides are used to control snails when you have indigenous pigeons in your garden. Even a small flock of these flightless waterfowl keeps the entire area free of the greedy nudibranchs. When the frisky ducks waddle through the garden, they do not spurn insects, bugs and other pests.

So that the powerful troops in your garden feel comfortable, water points should be nearby, such as a pond or stream. An at least man-high fence keeps foxes, martens or other dead enemies away. In addition, a small stable offers the industrious beneficials a protected retreat in the rain, cold and snow.


If ticks fall in the garden, they are not targeting the plants, but the gardener. Since the fight against bloodsuckers is very difficult, preventive measures in the context of nursing work are very popular. Keep the lawn continuously short, cut woody plants regularly and avoid dark, damp niches. The beasts finally feel uncomfortable when they remove abandoned nests as potential winter quarters in autumn and clean nesting caves.