Horsetail fights mildew on roses

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
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Ackerschachtelhalmjauche works wonders against pests and diseases in roses

Horsetail fights mildew on roses

Roses are probably among the most beautiful garden plants. Unfortunately, they are often attacked by mildew and other diseases. Treat fungal diseases and pests with horsetail broth. The weed is ideal for roses to strengthen the leaves of the ornamental plant.

Insert horseradish from horsetail against mildew

Horsetail, the gardener does not count among his favorite plants. In the care of roses, however, the herb does a good job.

It contains in addition to tannins and essential oils very much silica, which is effective against fungal diseases such as mildew on roses.

The rose petals are sprayed with horsetail broth when an infestation occurs. Also for prevention, nesting broth is well suited for roses.

Prepare horsetail stock yourself

Horsetail broth can easily be applied by yourself. You will need:

Add 200 grams of fresh or 15 grams of dried cabbage to the jar and preferably pour rainwater over it. Let the mixture draw for 24 hours.

Then the broth is boiled up. It takes about half an hour for the silica to dissolve out of the leaves. Then the broth must cool down and finally diluted 1: 4 with fresh water.

Treat roses with horsetail stock

In case of acute fungal attack, spray the leaves several times a day with the broth.

Also for prevention is Ackerschachtelhalm best suited. The silicic acid strengthens the leaves so that fungi and pests can not penetrate at all.

As a precaution, treat the roses once a week with horsetail broth.

Fertilize roses with horsetail jelly

Horsetail slurry is prepared similarly to broth, except that the herb is left in the water for a long time and not boiled. The manure is ripe when no bubbles appear.

The manure is diluted 1: 5 with water and poured once a month around the roses. Make sure that you do not spray leaves and roots directly with the manure.

Through the minerals, the plant is fortified. The leaves are healthier and usually more flowers are formed.


Horsetail broth also helps against numerous pests. Spray the roses if aphids or spider mites have affected the leaves.