Diagnose and combat white spots on sage

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Sage Espresso Demo
Video: Sage Espresso Demo


Diagnose and combat white spots on sage

If the silky-silvery leaves are covered with white spots, sage is suffering from a widespread infection. What it is and how to heal it by natural means, you can read here.

Classic symptoms for mildew

Just in time for the beginning of summer, the fungal spores of an omnipresent plant disease are in the garden. In warm, dry weather you are dealing with the causative agents of powdery mildew. If the summer is cold and rainy therefore, the downy mildew is about sage. This is how the symptoms are expressed:

In early infestation, there are good chances to save the sage. Therefore, connect your daily inspection tour through the garden or over the balcony with a view to and under the leaves.

Fight mildew with eco-friendly means

The use of chemical fungicides in the fight against mildew is unnecessary given the wide range of natural antidotes. The following recipes have proven themselves in home and garden:

In milk, microorganisms roam the fungus spores of mildew. In addition, milk strengthens the plant's defenses of sage, so that further attack waves of the pathogens bounce off ineffective. For the preparation, mix 100 milliliters of fresh milk with 900 milliliters of water and pour the mix into a spray bottle. Applied every 2-3 days, the infection stops quickly.

baking powder
More intense than milk, baking soda, also known as soda, proves to be more effective than milk. The recipe consists of 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 tablespoon of liquid soap and 2 liters of water. Ideally, first test the agent on a single infected branch.

Tips & Tricks

The spores of real and downy mildew like to overwinter in the herbaceous shoot tips. The door to this winter quarter you beat the pathogens in the nose, by in the second half of August all branch tips are shortened by about 5 centimeters. For reasons of precaution, the clippings are not disposed of on the compost but are burned.