The right care of the boar rue

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
RUE Eoisode 41 seg 3
Video: RUE Eoisode 41 seg 3


The Eberraute needs little water

The right care of the boar rue

Despite its not so pretty name Eberraute (Artemisia abrotanum), this plant is a popular spice and fragrance herb, which was grown in ancient times.With proper care, you will enjoy the filigree plant for many years.

Next article What has to be considered when cutting the boar's rue

How is the boar's right cast?

The Eberraute likes it rather dry. It does not tolerate waterlogging. In the garden bed, you only need to water in extremely hot summers.

For care in the bucket, always water when the topmost layer of earth has completely dried out. Occasional dry periods do not harm the boar rue.

When do you need fertilizer?

If you have prepared the soil well before planting and have also limed it a little, you will not need any further fertilizer in the first year.

From the second year on, fertilize in spring with mature compost or horn shavings.

Also in the bucket the Eberraute needs only little fertilizer. Provide them with some slow-release fertilizer in the spring. Every two years you should repot the plant and put in fresh potting soil.

Is it necessary to cut the boar?

Breeds tend to become very wide. Cutting back is therefore necessary so that other plants are not overburdened. Also, you get the shape with it.

The shape cutting takes place in spring. In autumn you can cut back the boar's rake to the ground to protect it from frost. She drives out again in the spring.

Does the herb need to be repotted often in the bucket?

Until it has reached its final height of about 1.50 meters, you should transplant the boar every two years in a larger pot of fresh soil.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Waterlogging causes the roots to rot. If the boar's eye is too cool and dark, it takes care of and hardly forms new leaves or flowers.

Pests are held by the aromatic smell of lemon or cola, so no pest infestation is expected.

How is Eberraute properly wintered?


The boar is not only valued as a tea because of its aroma, which depends on the type of lemon or cola. Placed between other plants in the garden, it keeps pests away.