The correct planting distance for pillared fruit

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Grow Strawberries: Planting A Strawberry Bed
Video: How to Grow Strawberries: Planting A Strawberry Bed


Pale fruit should not be planted too densely

The correct planting distance for pillared fruit

Since many gardens today are primarily intended for leisure and recreation, there is usually not much room for large fruit trees with a spreading treetop. But with the right kind of fruit you can reap respectable fruit yields even on a comparatively small area if you keep the required minimum distances between the individual plants.

So much distance should be maintained between column fruit

The extremely slender shape should not be tempted to plant the plants in a row planting as fruit hedge too close together in the soil, especially in young column fruit plants. After all, the roots of the individual plants must be able to spread unhindered within a certain radius in order later to be able to absorb enough nutrients for the formation of numerous fruits.Even with a hedge-like planting should therefore never be a minimum distance of about 50 to 60 centimeters below. Pale fruit cultivated in a pot may, under certain circumstances, be brought closer to one another as long as the individual planters contain at least 30 to 40 liters of potting soil.

Important notes for the planting of column fruit

The following things should be noted in order to be able to look forward to a healthy, ripe pillar fruit in a suitable location:


In particular, when planting columnar fruit in the garden soil certain planting distances to house walls or the neighboring property should be respected even in supposedly small remaining fruit varieties. Many cherry trees sold as pillar fruit can reach a height of several meters without cutting within a few years.