Maple in the profile - important features at a glance

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
CTS 087: AirCheck G2 w/ Netscout at MFD2
Video: CTS 087: AirCheck G2 w/ Netscout at MFD2


The maple can grow up to 30m high

Maple in the profile - important features at a glance

From the profile of a tree can draw valuable conclusions about his cultivation in the garden. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics that characterize the maple. Find out if the popular maple species really fits your gardening ambitions.

Botanical features - in short

Important key data in the profile indicate whether you can include a maple without ifs or buts in your garden design. Other botanical features indicate proper planting, skilful care or successful reproduction. The following overview throws a meaningful highlight on the attributes of the popular deciduous tree and its suitability for the house tree:

The maple is of particular ecological and decorative value, because it is the only native maple species that stages its flowers before the leaves are sprouted. This pleases wild bees, butterflies and bumblebees extraordinarily, because they can harvest nectar here early in the year. The subtle flower show also flatters the eye, because most of the other trees are still bare at this time.

Norway maple celebrates Indian Summer to perfection

The outstanding attribute of Norway maple is its unique splendor in autumn. Have you not completely convinced the previous features of including the Acer platanoides in the plant plan? Then find out about the spectacular autumn colors:

The optimum in color splendor unfolds the autumn leaves with a combination of sunny weather and striking temperature fluctuations between day and night. You can also enjoy this seasonal finale in the small garden and front yard. From maple, beautiful cultivars have emerged, which remain on a stature height of less than 10 m, such as maple, blood maple or ball-gold maple.


The robust hardiness and pronounced longevity fool the cut sensitivity of a maple. If you have prescribed a pruning of the tree, please cut too long shoots exclusively in the area of ​​the previous year's growth. Of old wood, an Acer platanoides usually no longer drives.