Popular chili varieties - the degree of severity makes the difference

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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Popular chili varieties - the degree of severity makes the difference

The great variety of chili varieties is based essentially on five types. Hobby gardeners weight the degree of severity as a central criterion for cultivation. The range extends from 1 for mild-spicy to 10 for mercilessly spicy.

Capsicum annuum - the chili species for beginners and professionals

Spanish pepper is the most widely cultivated worldwide. Among the species, this chili is so good-natured that it forgives one or the other beginner's mistake. In terms of varieties, it has everything to offer what the gardener's heart desires.

Here you cross the threshold to the very sharp to super-sharp varieties:

Capsicum chinense - best in class in terms of sharpness

Hobby gardeners with hardened taste buds prefer to plant varieties of this type of chili. Among other things, they are the incarnation of sharpness: the Habanero. In nursing, of course, it is considered a bit tricky.

sharp (sharpness: 10)

Capsicum chinense is a little mellower now and then:

Capsicum frutescens - with the balance between the extremes

Among the chilli species Capsicum frutescens scores with a bushy and at the same time upright habit. Their varieties offer gardeners the golden mean. On average, they contain twice as much capsaicin as capsicum annuum. After all, noticeably less sharpness than Capsicum chinense.

Capsicum baccatum - tiny chilies that have it all

It is one of the oldest species ever. Thanks to its delicious pods and extravagant flowers, the Capsicum baccatum has produced numerous varieties of lovers.

Since this chili species takes on average 120 days to harvest, it has established itself among enthusiastic recreational gardeners.

Capsicum pubescens - a rarity among the chili species

The hairy leaves give it a characteristic appearance. Since this chili species is difficult to cross, every strain is fought hard. Not only is their rarity value the Capsicum pubescens so unique, but also the vigor and longevity.

The presented chili varieties are not only characterized by a uniform degree of severity. In addition, their consistently violet flowers attract all attention.

Tips & Tricks

All types of chili can be dried perfectly. Can not you decide which species and breeds you prefer? Build several copies without further ado. Preserve the crop in the air or with the help of technical aids.