Arugula in bloom - and now?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Arugula
Video: Growing Arugula


Arugula in bloom - and now?

On average, rocket enters its heyday in July. Its yellow flowers look pretty, but they quickly raise the question: "Can I still eat the rocket without hesitation?".

Rucola harvest: not too late and with the right technique

The consequences of flowering

The Rauke sacrifices a lot of energy for their flowers. Harvest the leaves therefore before the bloom time. Otherwise the Rucola leaves are:

But in principle, you can still harvest your arugula after flowering and eat it harmlessly. You can even eat the flowers and give salads a great look!

Tips & Tricks

Leave a few flowers to stimulate the Rucola to sow on its own.